Are you looking for ways to see more activity on your website? Are you ready to start generating more high-quality leads for your business?

Then you need to create some powerful, compelling lead magnets on your website to provide an entry point for visitors to exchange their name and email for a piece of valuable content from you. Lead magnets are a key component of any successful website content strategy because they are the next step in moving from the Engagement Stage of the customer value journey to the Subscription Stage. Lead Magnets play a crucial role in attracting qualified buyers for your products and services.

If you need a refresher on the Customer Value Journey, check out this blog post where I outline the 8 steps for creating a Customer Value Journey.

In essence, a lead magnet is an irresistible offer that draws people into your website and helps to deepen their engagement with your brand. Whether it's a free ebook, webinar, video tutorial, or simple white paper, lead magnets present the perfect opportunity to engage with your audience on a deeper level and start building meaningful relationships with potential customers.

Lead magnets are also great way to gather information from potential customers and clients that you can use to segment your email list based on their interest and content preferences. This can help you to send more targeted and relevant emails, increasing the chances that your messages will be read and acted upon. Plus, it can also help you to better understand your target audience, making it easier to create content that meets their needs.

There are several different types of lead magnets that you can create, but not all lead magnets are equally impactful. In this blog post, we'll discuss three high-performing opt-ins that every service provider should have on their website!

Lead Magnet #1: eBook

An eBook is a fantastic opt-in for any business, regardless of your industry or niche. By offering your readers an eBook filled with valuable content on your topic of expertise, you can not only establish yourself as an expert in your field, but also give your audience real solutions to the problems they are facing. Whether you are a nutritionist, a life coach, or a financial advisor, your readers will be drawn to the expert advice and transformative strategies that you offer in your eBook.

With the right marketing strategy behind it, an eBook can become a powerful tool for building relationships with your audience and growing your customer base.

Lead Magnet #2: Workbook

A workbook is a great option for a high-performing lead magnet. Workbooks can be used to dig deeper into the problem they’re facing that YOU can help them solve. By offering a workbook, you're positioning yourself as their guide and helping them find a solution to their problem.

Workbooks are also great because they require little “content creation” from you. Ask questions and provide space for them to write/journal in the download pages. Allow your subscriber to reflect on why it’s important to get support, and help them see how your offers and products can help them solve their problem.

Lead Magnet #3: Checklist

If you're looking for an easy way to provide high-value content that your leads will love, consider offering a checklist opt-in as one of your opt-ins. A checklist opt-in is a great way to provide your leads with an instant solution to their problem. Checklists can help your leads achieve any goal, big or small, by giving them a list of actionable steps that will guide them to success. Whether they're looking for simple tips and tricks that will help them get organized and stay productive, or more in-depth solutions to complex challenges, checklists are a highly useful resource that can help get the job done quickly and easily.

So, what type of lead magnet should you create? Well, that depends on your business and offerings. I hope you're inspired by this post now that you have an idea of how these 3 types of high-performing lead magnets can positively impact the engagement and conversions you see from your website.

Need help deciding how to shape your content into the perfect lead magnet? Reach out and book a free discovery call today and let's explore options for you to receive custom tailored email marketing strategy and support today.

About the Author:

Jamie DuBose is the CEO, Launch Strategist & Marketing Automation Specialist at Zenplicity. She helps profitable entrepreneurs make strategic marketing decisions that consistently improve their business & increase their revenue. Her expertise lies in creating targeted, high-performing campaigns that track & use behavior-based subscriber metrics to sell more units to a more engaged audience.
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